Why We Worship
Our highest purpose in life is to worship God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We worship God when we make him the most important thing in our lives. We do this by loving him and by obeying his commands. Every bit of the Christian life is worship (Romans 12:1-2, I Corinthians 10:31). Sunday gatherings at Faith Church are the high point of our worship (Hebrews 10:19-25, 12:18-29). Every Sunday we gather in the morning and evening to praise the triune God. We look to the past and celebrate that Jesus has conquered sin and death by his death and resurrection. We rejoice in our present relationship with God as his beloved children. We long for our heavenly worship when the church from all ages will gather to delight in Jesus forever.
How We Worship
Our Sunday worship marks the beginning of the week for Faith Church. Every Sunday we are equipped as followers of Christ for the coming week. We are reminded of the incredible good news of Jesus. God confirms his promises to us. We respond in joy and thankfulness. We are sent out empowered by the Spirit of Jesus. This foundation of worship will naturally lead to a life of Discipleship and Mission.
Where & When Worship
The people of Faith Orthodox Presbyterian Church gather each Lord's day, morning and evening, at 545 Daretown Road, Elmer, NJ 08318.
Our morning worship begins at 11am and evening worship begins at 6 pm. We welcome you and your children of all ages to join us for Sunday school before worship, at 10 am.

11 AM Morning Worship
6 PM Evening Worship
545 Daretown Road
Elmer, NJ 08318