Faith Church is a local body of believers rooted in the historic reformed tradition.
We believe that the Bible, in its entirety, is God's infallible word; In the Triune God, creator of heaven and earth; that Jesus Christ is God, manifest in the flesh; in the virgin birth of Jesus and in His miracles, His substitutionary atonement on the cross, His bodily resurrection, and His glorious personal coming again.
We invite you to come and worship God with us. God has made you so that you can worship Him. Our sin has made a barrier between us and fellowship with God, yet God, in His mercy, has opened a way for us to return to Him. He sent His own Son to offer Himself as a sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sin and to reconcile us to God. Worshiping God through Christ is not only our duty; it is a source of great blessing and joy.
Faith Church is a local congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church denomination, which prioritizes the Scriptures as its primary standard and the Westminster Confession of Faith as its secondary standard. As a denomination we are committed to God, grounded in Scripture, and presbyterian in character.
The gospel is the incredible story of God coming in the person of Jesus and rescuing his people from the mess of their rebellion and idolatry. It is the good news of God pursuing us and loving us at the cost of his own son! Jesus died on the cross to satisfy God’s righteous anger and offers us instead his perfect life of obedience. When we understand how much God loves us, we are freed from the need to impress ourselves or others. Instead we can learn to live how God created us to live. The Christian life does not just start with the gospel, this glorious news is the lifeline that connects every aspect of our lives to the overflowing grace of our loving God. Christians live out the gospel by living a life of worship, discipleship, and mission.
Peter Moelker
Andrew Barshinger
Associate Pastor
​Kevin Parks
Rich Sezov
Harry Hill
Bob Groot
Dave Hitchner
Rich McConnell